Tuesday, March 11, 2014

140309 TimC mirror area Cosmos

On 3/9/2014 10:34 PM, Tim C wrote:
We are scheduling a workshop for this week, March 11th. Bill, please could you have the side gate open. Thank you much. I will not be attending this week, but Jerry Wilson will do the honors. Attend if you wish. There is a chance the outreach scheduled for this week may be cancelled and if that is the case we'll all be back on track. 
It was wonderful to see Christopher and his dad Frank at this month's star party. The "flaming tomato" is sprouting wings! If you have an 8" scope and you get a 10" scope, how much more " light grab" will you achieve with the 10 "? Let's ball park this- pi r^2 = area. There for r^2= 4^2= 16. That is the shorthand area of the 8" scope. The 10" is 5^2=25. That is the shortcut area of the 10" mirror. So, if I have it right it's like 64% s'more light grab with the 10" mirror vs. the 8". This becomes important as you progress through the art of mirror making. Everyone hears of aperture fever. In reality though, it is reasonable to think of the relationship of light grab vs. what you are willing to drag to a location to view the stars. In the end, it is perfectly true that the scope that is right is the one you will use the most. I will argue these are the reflectors between 6" and 14". Above those diameters one must use imaginative and intuitive ways to use the larger scopes.

But.... I digress.... It's just so much fun!! I just got finished watching "Cosmos" on one of about 5 different networks. Regardless if a mere President of the United States introduced it, I was really moved by the end of the episode when our friend Neil DeGrasse Tyson showed a book with Sagan's signature and invitation. Very Powerful!!!!! Tyson is a great emissary. I'm sure you wish him well, as I do!

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