140204 Telescope Workshop notes 730-9p Tuesday evening
Attendees: TomT, JerryW, TimC, EdK, JoeD, ChuckM, ChrisU
JoeD brought in the 6” AstroTech f/4 that he is modifying for portability: He has stiffened the tripod further and made a spotting tube with fishing wire for crosshairs. Tim consulting on further solutions for stiffening.
TomT discussed summer meetings with JerryW, need sign up sheet for member presenters. Jerry says he can always do a talk if not enough people volunteer.
TimC did a little more 500 Al2O3 grit grinding on the 8” donated mirror. JerryW checked the surface with the loupe and called for another hour to be sure.
TimC asking for suggestions for his next article, perhaps reviewing some telescope/mirror defintions; Jerry thinks covering one term might be enough. Joe suggested to focus on “choose your own” theme, e.g. how to design a telescope that meets an individual’s needs.
EdK will be making a smaller tool, using the Perfect Pitch silicone form, but waiting for it to arrive. He will be using chordal strokes with a 6.5” Tool. Ed consulting w/ Jerry on some other telescope factors.
JerryW working at home on the 6” secondary mirror for his Corrected Dahl Kirkham (CDK) 14.5” system. One test will be by laying desired convex mirror on ground concave glass and shining monochromatic light through them, looking for a light pattern. http://www.ceravolo.com/CDK_tech_talk.html
ChuckM asking Jerry about need for multiple dark frames for stacking photos with Photoshop CS4. Jerry converts to Fits files, using Nebulosity program? Jerry warns that hot pixels may depend on temperature of the camera chip as well. http://www.Astrometry.net is being used by Chuck to determine star field if unknown.
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