Tuesday, April 29, 2014

140429 TimC Telescope Workshop comments

140429 TimC Telescope Workshop comments

On 4/29/2014 11:25 PM, Tim C wrote:
Greetings, Tonight's workshop was once again a good time. We had 6 people show tonight. One was a new member that had come to us from our website. He has acquired an older LX3 Meade Schmidt-Cassegrain 8" scope and tripod. The reason for his visit was that he can see what looks like mold or fungus on the optics that has been put away, dormant for a long time. I recommended he talk with our equipment rangler to get a little guidance on trying to get this up and running. I will BCC this email to all of interested parties. I think he will be leaving SB in the near future and he would really like it if his wife could get a look at the rings of Saturn before he leaves, I think we can help that to happen.

Anyway, the other reason for the email is to let you all know once again that this kind of email you will get that informs us all if and when we will meet for a workshop. These normally take place on Tuesdays from 7:30-9 pm in the Broder Building, across the creek at the Museum of Natural History. These fine people at the Museum allow us to meet here on a regular basis to advance our skills of mirror making, scope building, Astro imaging and just about everything else that envelops the world of optics and scope building and testing. Please feel free to come by and see what we are about. We will surprise you, I promise.
 On 4/30/2014 8:42 AM, Tim C wrote:

Hi TomT, Sorry you could not make it. I worked for a very short time last night because a new person showed up. His name is Matt. I asked how he came to find our workshop. He said he googled SBAU.org and found out about our workshop. That's pretty cool huh. I don't know if I'd use his name in the blog without permission as I told him I'd use his email address in a blind fashion. [first names + maybe last initial is enough and keeps privacy. tt]

I think what was striking about last night is that he has inherited an older LX3 Meade 8" Schmidt. It has been sitting around though for an extensive time so it has gotten some fungus or mold on the optics. Matt will bring this scope next week and we may take a look at it. As I am not an expert on Schmidt-Cassegrains and certainly not abreast of the techniques for removing mold, I let Matt know that we will refer the issue to Art, Tom W. A and Jerry. That was one thing.
Mike also brought this light you see below. It looks really nice for a light source for our testers. The only thing is it has to be pointed right at the mirror or you don't see it. It kind of has a long barrel. Mike has some ideas on this.

Christopher brought in his mirror to start polishing but he didn't do anything. Next week he will bring a work surface and clamps to tie it down and begin trying to correct his edge on his mirror. Tom and Jerry will advise him of strokes to use. T

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