My curiosity was piqued, so I did a Google search. It comes from the Rayleigh criterion and the Airy disk first minima width (small angle sine approximation used, i.e. sin(x) = x). See:
The variable names used in the quora paper are different than in Tom's derivation, i.e., Tom uses D as the mirror focal length, while the quora reference uses D for the lens (mirror) diameter (I'll call it D' herein to avoid confusion). They are related by f/, the focal ratio (your mirror is f/5.09).
So, the quora paper has p=1.22λ/D', and Tom uses 1.22λf/D. These formulas are equivalent and confusing because of the D's represent different measurements. Note that if D' is the mirror focal length, and Tom's mirror diameter is D, then D = D'/f, where f is the f/ ratio.
I know the above is a lot of information. If you have any questions, I welcome them.